(Be-)Deutungsansprüche in qualitativer Forschung
Tagungsprogramm: Keynote Speech von Prof. Ping-Chun Hsiung
Doing (Critical) Qualitative Research in China in a Global Era
In my recent work on the globalization of qualitative research, I argue that qualitative researchers in the periphery must simultaneously confront Anglo-American domination and local hegemonic discourse. In this presentation, I will elaborate on this position by examining how qualitative research is practiced in contemporary China. I will first point out that in addition to the quantitative and qualitative traditions, the so-called Dinxing Yanjiu (method of essence) is the third social sciences research tradition in China. Known as a research method with Chinese socialist characteristics, Dinxing Yanjiu was introduced by Chairman Mao Zedong of the Chinese Communist Party in the 1920s to investigate rural conditions in China. It was used to formulate strategies that eventually brought out the successful proletarian revolution in 1949 and has continued to affect how qualitative research is practiced in China. To discuss the meaning and politics of doing (critical) qualitative research in contemporary China, I then examine three cases of qualitative studies: studies of the Curriculum Reform, peasants’ resistance and women’s political participation. I conclude my presentation by discussing how critical qualitative research in the periphery may enrich methodological and epistemological inquiry of qualitative research at a global level.
We would like to thank all participants for their contributions to a inspiring conference and look forward to continuing the discussion that we have just begun!