(Be-)Deutungsansprüche in qualitativer Forschung

Tagungsprogramm: Session 3B


Beyond Research: Dealing With Dilemmas of Participation


Chair: Prof. Phil C. Langer

Participants: Prof. Stefan Thomas (Potsdam), Prof. Sharlene Swartz (Kapstadt), Jonathan Murphy (Belfast)


Location: IG-Farben-Haus / NG 1.741a



Stefan Thomas: Communicative Research Forums and Social Self-Clarification.


Sharlene Swartz: The possibilities of participation: vulnerabilities, processes and emancipation.


Jonathan Murphy: Conducting Better Research - A 'Young Researcher's' Perspective on the Process of Participatory / Peer Research.



PowerPoint Presentation Thomas
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [6.1 MB]
PowerPoint Presentation Swartz
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [2.6 MB]
PowerPoint Presentation Murphy
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [82.5 KB]









We would like to thank all participants for their contributions to a inspiring conference and look forward to continuing the discussion that we have just begun!